Colony Custom Home
This home by Kevin Price was designed as a generational home, which is a style designed to make the home look as if it has been passed down over the years. The client wanted the exterior and interior to look like an old Pennsylvania farm house that has evolved with additions over the years. On the exterior, the home’s central section is stone and the “additions” consist of wood siding and shake. The interior features country decor from the furnishings and finishes to the appliances. The end result is an elegant mountain rustic home that evokes a long history in a private mountainside community.
Serenely located in The Colony, this home is nestled among quaking aspens and Bristlecone pines, with great care taken to maximize the views of the dramatic setting from every room. Continuous flowing waterfalls lead to a pond where wildlife gathers to drink. The back patio also features a sentimental wishing well.